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Pru Life UK now offers Dengue Protection

According to the World Health Organization, dengue cases in the Philippines increased 106% in 2019 compared to the previous year. Records show that there were 421,749 cases of dengue in the country back in 2019 compared to 180,072 in 2018. There was also an increase in deaths due to dengue with 927 in 2018 up to 1,407 in 2019. It only makes sense that we insure ourselves against any possible expenses due to dengue, right?

Fortunately, Pru Life UK is now offering affordable insurance coverage specifically for dengue. 

Pru Life UK has two very cheap insurance products that cater to dengue cases - PRUDengue MedCare and PRUDengue MedCare Pro!

PRUDengue MedCare

There are two packages under this product. The first package will only cost you P200 for P10,000 dengue coverage for 6 months. The second package is basically the same but the coverage is good for the entire year for only P300.

PRUDengue MedCare Pro

This product also has two packages and is almost the same as PRUDengue MedCare. You'll also get P10,000 dengue coverage for 6 months for the first package while a full one-year coverage for the second package. The additional benefit under PRUDengue MedCare Pro is the death benefit of P100,000 for both packages. Package A is only P240 while Package B is just P350. Isn't it cheap? Check the table above for a quick comparison.

How to get one? Just download Pru Life UK's mobile app called Pulse. You may click here if you're reading this on your mobile phone. Register for free. Once done with the registration, go to PRUShoppe then select PRUDengue MedCare or PRUDengue MedCare Pro. You'll be able to pay using your Visa, MasterCard, or JCB debit or credit cards. Don't forget to enter our agent code: 70086284. Your policy will be assigned to us as your official financial advisor. 

If you have questions or clarifications, feel free to send us a message. If you also need assistance on how to purchase these Pru Life UK products, don't hesitate to contact us by clicking here. We're here for you, mga Kuripot!

Pru Life UK now offers Dengue Protection Pru Life UK now offers Dengue Protection Reviewed by KJ on 1:18:00 AM Rating: 5

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